My name is Kayla. I am a 3-year-old pure-bred Siamese
cat. I live with Troy. He's a student at the University of Missouri. He leaves me alone for long periods of time. I never know when he will feed me. This summer, I experienced the worst day of my life. Troy took me to the vet. After forcing me to stay up on a frigid steel table while this strange doctor prodded me, he took me back to his car. He then drove to a meeting and left me in the car! Since it was over 100 degrees outside, I nearly suffocated! To make up for it, he put me in a bath. What a jerk! I have a sister named Penny, although I'm not sure she remembers me. Whenever we are together after not having seen each other for a while, she hisses at me. As you can see, after a while, we're back to being great friends. If you have any messages for me, you can send them to Troy. If I have time, I will respond. More than likely, I will be taking a nap though. One must have her priorities.